Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I pray a lot! Morning, night, in the middle of the day, in my heart, at the gas station, at dinner, and even while i'm working out. We can pray whenever we want, for however long we want. Praying is easy but hard at the same time. We pray to get answers, to thank our Father In Heaven, and ask for blessings. When we ask for answers we normally have two options and we are trying to decide between one or the other. It is easy to get an answer when we are have a good choice and a bad choice to choose from, but what if you have two good choices, that are equally great in the eyes of Our Savoir? What do you do when that happens? What happens when both decisions are good and either one would hurt you in anyway? That is what happened to me, I had two good decisions that I had to choose from. I asked Heavenly Father daily for a good month "What should I do??" I never got an answer. I was like, am I not praying hard enough?, Is he not listening? I was not sure what was wrong. The Lord knows I have the patience of a 2 year old, and I have never had to wait for an answer that long. Finally, it came to my attention. I have my free agency. The Lord will be happy with which ever one I choose. I had to be the one who picked. I picked, I started down the path and everything just fell right into place. I felt that I made the right decision. I'm still on that path and everything is going good. If this path starts feeling like the wrong path, I can always stop and go down the other path. Many times we wonder why we are not getting an answer. I know for a fact that if you have two good choices, choose one, walk down that path for a bit, if it feels right keep going. If you start to feel like it is wrong, choose the next path. The Lord is always listening, he is always there for you and loves you. Sometimes we have to have faith in ourselves and choose for ourselves. Praying has helped me so much in my life. I don't know what I would do without this gospel in my life. I know this church is true. I have knelt in prayer, and have asked for myself and I know this is the true church. I choose to walk down this path and it has never done me wrong. So many blessing have come from being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I love prayer and have a strong testimony that it can help us through our life, we just have to use it. The Lord is always listening, "The hardest times to pray is when we need to the most" Kneel in prayer and thank the Lord for all he does for you. I know that my Redeemer lives. He knows each and everyone of us. He is mindful of your desires and dreams. He wants what is best for us. Have faith in Him, because He will never do you wrong. 

~Hermana Wilkinson