I got my call March 15th 2013, and I don't report until August 7th 2013. That is a long time to wait. When I found out I had to wait that long, at first I was like why??? This doesn't make sense. Now that I only have 5 weeks and 5 days until I report, It all makes sense that I had to wait until then. I came down with Tonsillitis on Sunday Morning and I still am not feeling too good. I might have to get my tonsils out. If I reported next week (that is what I wanted because my birthday Sunday, so I for sure thought I would leave close to then) I probably wouldn't have been able to go on my mission and would have had to post pone it anyways. The Lord know me better than I know myself. It is kinda crazy, He knows when the best time for every person to report. Never question your call or you report date. He knows us so well. Also there is many blessings that have came from having to wait this long. Count your many blessing!! I love this gospel and i'm so excited to report to the Mexico MTC on August 7th. I would have had it no other way!!
~Hermana Wilkinson